After a Good shower (Goku x Trunks) (Shota) (Color in English)

After a Good Shower (Goku x Trunks) DBZ Shota
After a Good Shower (Goku x Trunks) DBZ Shota

We did the survey on the front page to check on what you guys (the readers) enjoy and we’ve seen a majority of you wanting more comics. So we pulled out another comic we had archived and translated it. It’s a short one, but it has a rare pairing you don’t see a lot if any of, Goku x Trunks! It is considered DBZ Shota, so be sure to take that into consideration before going any further… So we knew this had to be published in English. We are rolling it out both in gallery and ZIP downloadable, and want to notify you we uploaded the Volume 4 – Vegeta and Trunks in Color – Comic by Oravlex [English] as a downloadable ZIP too. Just click the previous link.

Enjoy this DBZ Shota comic – In English (Download below)

Update: Added missing pages 10 & 11 (11/11/2016)

Free download from

New Newsletter (AKA; FlyMail)

So we have a newsletter that we actually manually write now to you guys directly. We’ll update you thru email instead of making a whole new post here. It’s cleaner for us and you can know instantly when something new has happened 🙂 We won’t spam or share your email to anyone, ever!

New Review system
We have this button at the bottom of every post, story, and comic now. We’ve heard that our site is used similarly to rule34, so we thought we’d “poll” our readers to see when they “cum” from reading a particular post on our site.

You can find the “Did you cum to this post?” button at the bottom (Right above the comments section) of every post. Just simply click the check mark if you did 🙂
If you tried but it wasn’t enough to push you over the edge, then you may click the “X” button. But note that it will affect the ranking of that piece of content.

Don’t forget to comic and discuss with readers below!



  1. I really love this one, and ben_10mil does a good job drawing… by the way I would like more angles where you see the ass of Goku because it excites me a lot and if an entire comic dedicated to goku fucked by whoever you want is possible, but if you do not like thatidea: minimum show more his ass (Goku) please 🙂

  2. This comic is incomplete as you are missing pages 10 and 11. If you could, please upload the remaining two pages to make this english dub comic complete.


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