Goten discovers Gay Porn?!

Goten discovers Gay Porn?!
Goten discovers Gay Porn?!

Summary: Goten is jerking away to lovely gay porn playing on his computer on his bed, when suddenly Trunks walks in and see him and the gay porn!! Read to find out what happens! 😀

Author: AGirlNamedEd

Published by: Gotenboner

Pairing – Goten x Trunks

Goten drummed his fingers on the desk and stared blankly at his laptop screen. The search bar’s cursor blinked at him almost mockingly. This was so embarrassing. Of all the things he could be looking up, he had to be looking up that. He’d heard someone talking about it at the gym and he got curious. He was 21, so sue him, he could do what he wanted.

But it wasn’t like he could just ask someone what “guy porn” was. His mother would either murder him or take his laptop away (and he wasn’t sure which was worse), and his dad would…well, he’d be clueless. Gohan was out of the question, too; his brother would probably be all clinical and formal about it, which would probably be even more embarrassing. And he couldn’t ask Trunks because–

Goten’s face flushed. No. He just couldn’t ask Trunks.

Steeling himself, Goten quickly typed “male porn” into the search engine and slammed the enter button before he could change his mind. He didn’t even look at the results, just clicked the first one. May as well get this done and over with so he could move on with his life and–

A video of a young man stroking himself suddenly appeared on his screen. He was on a bed, legs spread, head tossed back, moaning filthily. Goten quickly slammed the laptop shut and covered his face with his hands. Oh. Oh. He wasn’t sure what he’d expected–it wasn’t like he’d never seen porn before. Roshi didn’t hide his magazines as well as he thought he did. But none of them involved men, or at least they weren’t the focus. They were always about women.

And Goten swallowed as he realised that he was way, way more interested in the man touching himself than he’d ever been in any of Roshi’s “aerobics videos.” Maybe…maybe another little look wouldn’t hurt.


Chi-Chi was on her way out the door when Trunks arrived at the Son house. “Oh! Trunks!” She smiled up at him. “You’ll be here to see Goten, then.”

Trunks grinned at her. “Yeah. Is he here?”

She snorted. “He’s barely left his room for three days.”

He frowned. “He hasn’t been answering my messages, either. You think he’s okay?”

Chi-Chi patted his arm. “I’m sure he’s fine, but if something’s wrong, there’s no one I’d trust more to help him out with it. He sure doesn’t want to open up to me, but maybe he’ll talk to you.”

“I’ll do my best, Chi-Chi.”

“Thanks, dear.” She moved out of the way so he could get into the house. “I’m off to do groceries, and Goku’s at Kame House today. Try not to blow up my house before I get back.”

He laughed. “Yes, ma’am!”

The Son house was quiet for once. Trunks didn’t think he’d ever been left alone in the house with Goten before. And then the two of them were usually pretty noisy anyway. But this silence was almost stifling, and he padded up the stairs towards Goten’s room.

If something was bothering Goten enough that he couldn’t talk to anyone about it, Trunks wanted to be the one to be there for him. He’d been quietly in love with Goten for years, ever since they were in high school and first found out what it meant to be gay (and probably even before that, if he was being honest). Even if Goten was straight, which Trunks was sure he was, he still wanted to help him and support him. They were best friends, after all, and that’s what best friends did for each other.

He opened Goten’s door without thinking and walked right in. “Hey, Goten, what’s–” Trunks choked on the rest of his sentence. The scene before him had stolen his words.

Goten was on his bed, pants undone, staring dazedly at his computer screen. His hand stroked himself and his mouth lolled open in a moan. Trunks couldn’t see what was on the computer, but he could guess from the noises coming from it. He stared for a moment, dumbstruck, before Goten suddenly realised he was there and shrieked.

“T-Trunks!” he yelped, yanking his hand out of his pants and pulling his knees to his chest hard enough to knock himself onto his back. “Wh-what–when did you–h-how much did you see?”

It was really hard to concentrate with the pornographic moans coming from the computer, especially combined with the memory of Goten completely blissed out. “I-I–” Trunks stammered. He shook his head to clear it. “Wait, I’m not the one who needs to explain myself! What the hell are you doing?!” Trunks hurried to Goten’s laptop and slammed it shut. That was a little better, at least. “That shit’s how you get viruses on your computer, you know! Do you want to have to explain to your mom that your computer’s busted because you were watching porn?!”

“Shut up!” Goten’s face was bright red, his blush disappearing under the collar of his shirt. Trunks swallowed. He wanted to know how far down that blush went. “I didn’t even know this was a thing until a few days ago!”

“Seriously?” Trunks folded his arms and sat on the bed across from Goten. “We grew up around Roshi and you’re just discovering porn now?”

Goten fumbled with his jeans. “N-no, I mean…” He fidgeted and wouldn’t meet Trunks’s eyes. “Trunks, I think I’m gay.”

Trunks’s eyes widened. Wait. What? He glanced back at the computer. That was gay porn? He hadn’t even noticed in his haste to shut it off.

“It’s just,” Goten continued, “I’ve seen the stuff Roshi has, and those girls are pretty, but they’re not–I don’t know, I just liked the guys more, and I didn’t know where else to look, so–”

“Goten,” Trunks interrupted, “if you wanted gay porn, you could’ve just asked.”

Well. It wasn’t exactly how he’d planned on coming out to Goten, but it was better to get it done and over with quickly. Like ripping off a bandaid.

Goten’s head snapped up and he looked Trunks in the eye for the first time since he got there. “You mean you’re–”

“Bi? Yeah.” Trunks shrugged. “It’s not really that big of a deal.” He jerked his thumb over his shoulder towards the laptop. “But that kind of thing doesn’t really compare to the real deal.” He hoped he sounded like he knew what he was talking about.

“Y-you–” Goten bit his lip. “You mean you’ve done that stuff?”

“Oh, sure,” Trunks lied. He leaned forward, put his hand on Goten’s knee. “I can show you if you want.”

Goten’s eyes flicked across Trunks’s body and back to his face. “I-I don’t–”

“Come on.” Trunks slid his hand up Goten’s thigh. “I promise I’ll make you feel good–even better than how it felt watching those videos.”

It was working–Goten was already half-hard again. He swallowed and nodded. “Okay.”

Trunks grinned and wasted no time. He leaned forward to press kisses to Goten’s jaw and neck as his hands slid his pants down to his ankles. Then he was on Goten, first with his hand, then moving down his body to take him into his mouth. Goten’s head fell back and he sighed contentedly. “Trunks,” he murmured, “oh, Trunks, you weren’t kidding, oh–Trunks–”

He pulled away and immediately replaced his mouth with his hand again, moving up to grab Goten’s hair and pull. “Come for me, Goten,” he growled in his ear, “show me how much you want this.”

Goten wailed and shuddered and grabbed Trunks around the waist and he was coming hard, burying his face in Trunks’s shoulder. Trunks started to pull back, but Goten grabbed his chin and smushed their lips together. “Holy shit,” he panted when he pulled away, “Trunks, I think I love you.”


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