Breaking News! Boxer & Rice Re-launches site!

Boxer and Rice Website Update

Boxer & Rice -

We’ve received word that our partner over at Boxer & Rice (Truhan) has re-launched the site! It has an amazing collection of fanfiction, art, doujinshi scanlations, and more of Gohan x Trunks! Ranging from Safe-for-Work as the default filter, to Artistic Nudity(18+), and Hardcore-Kinky (18+) *You’ll see the settings in the top left corner 😉

Boxer & Rice started back February 11th 2001, and is widely known in the DBZ gay community. Over the years they’ve collected and 100s of exclusive fanfiction and artwork.

Every thing one their website is accessible for free without any membership, though spreading the word about their re-launch is appreciated. If you repost/reblog anything from their site to like Tumblr, make sure to give a source backlink to their page. 😉 Same for anything you’d do anywhere else. It’s just the right thing to do.

We’ve enjoyed being partners with them throughout the past years, and certainly will continue to work with the guys over there. We think you’ll really enjoy reading fanfiction, viewing artwork, and joining the Truhan community over there. So what are you waiting for!? Head on over and see what’s new! 😀 <— Website Link to Boxer&Rice

So go check out the new site! Make sure to comment and share their website on your social media accounts like Tumblr, Twitter, and Facebook!

Cheers and enjoy reading Fanfiction Yaoi 😀


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