New Website!

under construction

Continue to use (03/04/2014)

Update: We have moved back to

If you go to you will be redirected to our wordpress site. So use either one 🙂

Hey fellow DBZ lovers!
I’ve been working hard on building a better blog for our content, and was able to find a company to host it with.
I remove the URL from my Tumblr, which means if you want to access my Tumblr you should go to for now on. will be the NEW WordPress blog for us. Most all the content will be posted there FIRST, and auto posted on the other social services (Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, etc..)

IF for some reason the new site goes down, or the hosting company decides not to allow me to host with them, then everything will auto transfer here. Just giving a heads up for you guys. But in the case that does happen, I’ll make redirect you to
So you won’t have to worry about remembering what to do 😛

Speaking of Facebook, I was able to finally get through to them and make the account active again! Yay!! You will see our facebook button on the new site, so go Like us there ^_^

I added Discus as the new system of Comments for both Tumblr and the NEW site.

I’ve also have a new story coming really soon for Goten and Trunks! So stay tuned!

You will, however, need to subscribe to the NEW site with your email or Social Network, depending on how you want to hear from us about our new stories.

Which also bring me to the .last feature on the list. Social Network Login!
We all know we leave our Google/Gmail, Facebook, or Twitter logged in right? Well to make things easy, you can just click the button on the right sidebar and Login! It’s really that easy!

Alright guys, I wish you the best and hope to see you on the NEW site!!



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