GotenxTrunks:Love Story

GotenxTrunks Love Story
GotenxTrunks Love Story

Through out all their lives that been best friends. They knew they had feelings for each other…

Warning: Gore, Lemons, Yaoi

Chapter 1

The Secret

Guest Author: SilverStars

Trunks Age-13 Goten Age-12

Ch1 Gilmpse: “Trunks got up closer to Goten face which make Goten blushing saying, I know you love me Goten.”

It was a normal day at middle school when it on a Friday it was just a crazy afternoon

Trunks Briefs is the most popular boy in school, he is mostly a troublemaker,badass kid which the girls are mostly in love with him,few boys are jealous of him and he also cusses sometimes

He’s best bud/friend Goten who is so innocent that all the girls think that he so cute that want to choke him to death,he mostly a GG few boys make fun of him,Trunks usually stand up for him and care for him

They been Best friends for so long now… they fell in love with each other

*bell ring*

Trunks was with Goten with his hands in his pocket. So Goten~

Goten was blushing. Y-Yeah?

*Goten POV*

I soooo nerves around Trunks i know that he is my best friend but i love him so much…today is the day when you ask him out Goten~!

You know… i coming over your house for a week. Really~! Yep~ My mom and dad are gone for the week so i’ll be hanging at your place alright Goten~

O-Okay. I started to smile and blush i’m just hoping my Mom and Dad aren’t home even my brother cause he married to Videl.

*End of POV*

Both of them walking to the end of the hall till they got outside.

Well Well is it the two faggots! The two demi sayains both turn around to see Jack the school bully and his crew

What the hell do you want Jack? Trunks look at him with sharp eyes while Goten was behind Trunks back scared. We here for the little pipsqueak there! Jack was pointing at Goten. Goten peeked and got scared. Jack pushed Trunks out of the way and grabbed Goten by the collar. Goten yelped with tears in his eyes. Please dont hurt me… Goten was about to cry. Let him go! Trunks tried to grab but his gang grabbed him first. I won’t hurt so bad crybaby..Jack smirk evilly. Jack put up his fist then punch Goten in the face but.. Goten grabbed his fist then look at him with a pissed off face. FUCK OFF YOU BITCH! Goten punch him in the face that sent him flying to the wall. Trunks pupils shrunk. This was the first time he heard Goten cuss he so nice and innocent that he can’t cuss. Goten look at the other boys still with that serious look. Let get outta here! the boys ran off scared and terrified. Goten grabbed Trunks wrist and flied off.

Trunks was still surprised and looking at Goten scared. G-Goten.. I never heard you cuss before.. Goten was looking down. Are you mad at me… What hell no~ That was amazing what you did back there Goten. He stop and he look at him smiling. Thank you for saving me back there. Trunks hugged Goten. Your always be my best friend. Goten started to blush. Ohh Trunks-kun~ Goten hugged him back and started to smile. can we please go to my house~ Sure! Trunks replied. Both of them filed to Son’s House

Mom! Dad! Hmm~? there not here… Goten was worried. Trunks looked around the house then he found the note. Yo Goten come here~!

Goten came in running. Yeah? What is it?

Look.. Goten grabbed the note and read aloud.

“Dear Son, Me and Goku went to the Ox Kingdom to take care of my father he is very sick so im trusting you to be left alone with Trunks PLEASE DON’T CAUSE ANY TROUBLE! If there call your brother or Goku or me! If it a foe. Call Goku or Gohan! Please be good Goten sweetie~! Well’l we be back soon!

Love you!


Huh both of your parents are gone… that means… LET GET TURNT UP! Trunks was getting hype. YEAH! Goten jump with excitement.

*Few hours later*

Goten was laying on Trunks lap there were watching Dragon Ball where the part when Bulma meets Goku

You give me that dragon ball and i’ll give you a little peek~ Bulma pulled up her skirt showing her panties to Goku

Why would i care seeing your dirty old panty. Goku replied


My mom was a… slut… back then damn…

Goten was lying on Trunks lap blushing smiling. Is… this a dream or real i hope this never end…

Trunks look at Goten. Hey Goten i wanna know something~

Yeah? I was wondering do you like me? Hmm?! Goten blush cherry red. Hmm? Goten?

Goten stood up and started walking away. Naw i d-dd-dont~

“Trunks got up closer to Goten face which make Goten blushing saying, I know you love me Goten.”

Don’t pretend… chibi. Goten blush hard when he heard say that. Trunks-kun~ Goten was breathing and looked away.

Look at me chibi…look at me. Trunks put his hand under the younger sayian chin and started kissing him deeply. Goten was blushing and groaning with his lustful eyes. Trunks explored in younger sayain mouth by messing with his tongue. He was enjoying Goten groans and grunts. Trunks stop the passionate kiss. Wh-Why did you stop Trunks-kun~? Cause chibi im saving that for tomorrow night~

Why can’t we do that now~? Cause im getting tired~ Trunks lied back on the couch and let the younger sayain lay on his warm chest

I-I love you Trunks-kun~

I love you too Chibi~

Both of them fell asleep during the dark starry night~

Woo this took all night to make this~! I’m glad this is done!

Lemon maybe in the next chapter there will be more GotenxTrunks chapters

Please comment what you think so far! 😀 I appreciate it!



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