Dragon Ball S: A Shota Adventure


I don’t own DBZ or any of the characters used in this fanfic. This is a shotacon yaoi, meaning it may soon contain sex that never actually happened between underage boys of varying ages below 18 in a fictitious world. I would also like to point out that I dedicate this story to dbzfanGoten, probably my favorite writer of dbz fanfiction. That’s about all I have to say, so I’ll shut up and get on with it.

Published by: GotenBoner.com

Written by: Tanuki-san

Dragon Ball S: A Shota Adventure

Prologue 1: Morning Invitation to Capsule Corp.

“Trunks!” A loud feminine voice rung in the ear of an eight year old Trunks Briefs, as his mother, Bulma Briefs, awoke him. He creaked open his eyes as he took his thumb out of his mouth. He had drone it again. He started sucking his thumb again, after his Dad died. Bulma’s been completely on top of things since Vegeta left to other world.

Trunks actually hated his dad. He just began sucking his thumb because of his inability to hang out with anybody. His mother rarely ever permitted him from seeing his best friend Goten, let alone any of the Son family. Trunks assumed it was just abandonment issues that caused him to be so down.

He sucked his thumb and felt content, just like how he felt when he was around Goten. The raven haired boy, with black dotted eyes and that goofy smile. Trunks thought of it and smiled. He blushed as he continued thinking of his best friend. His clear complexion, his baby button nose, and those sweet, innocent lips. Trunks grasped his crotch under the blanket, trying to stop it from getting hard, to no prevail. He felt the area grow in his grasp, he sighed, he just didn’t know why it did that.

He rose from his sheets when he heard his mother announce breakfast. “Be there soon mom!” He stood up on his bare feet, in his silk child pajama pants, his boner was completely visible and it looked… inviting.

He touched it through the light silk. It felt weird, so he stopped, picking up a pair of underwear and shorts from the drawer. He set the clothing on his bed as he slid off the pants. He wore no underwear, normally he slept naked, waiting until his mother turned the hall light off before sliding the pants off and stuffing them under the pillow. He didn’t do it last night, because it was too cold. His little boy boner bounced out of the delicate pants, it stood at a decent 4 and a half inches. Trunks spent a few seconds admiring how hard he had gotten thinking of his best friend.

He touched it gently and felt it up and down some more, he sighed, this time emitting an audible moan. He heard the moan and abruptly stopped the attempted experimentation. He used his Saiyan speed to slide on the underwear, then did the same with the shorts and shirt.

He wore clothes fashioned professionally from little girl’s clothing. You wouldn’t notice, they now looked like any average boy’s clothes in Japan. His shorts were maroon, made from a soft nylon, the kind that form fit to whoever wears them. The shorts came up to his inner thighs, like girl shorts in America, you can even see the edge of his white underwear if you had a good angle. The shirt he slid on was skin tight, he nipped a bit, but he didn’t mind.

Trunks noticed his boner went down when he snuggled it in the soft embrace of cotton and nylon, so his blush faded. He then made his way to the kitchen.

Bulma welcomed trunks with an automatically cooked meal of bacon and eggs. The Demi-Saiyan ate it up in a quick instant with a big smile afterwards.

“I gotta go to Otherworld tomorrow.” Bulma said, in her usual, ‘just FYI’ voice. Trunks looked up from his second plate, cheeks swelled from food as be listened to his mother.

“You goin’ to visit Dad?” He asked. Bulma smiled and looked at her son.

“It’s fine you don’t have to come if you don’t want to,” trunks began to pretend to prove her wrong. “I get it, it’s fine, if he was my dad I’d have already ran away.”

Actually Trunks liked Vegeta’s leniency over Bulma’s semi-overprotective attitude since he died. He decided not to say that, instead he went back to listening.

“Anyway, I will be going, alone,” she said,probably trying to get Trunks to feel guilt. He pretended to not get the insinuation. ” Mr. Po Po will take me,” she tried again, once again, play dumb. “I’m gonna take you to stay with my dad while he conducts research in America.”

“No!” Trunks shouted, almost scaring his mother. He never raised his voice at her, but this was getting ridiculous. “Can I please stay at the Son’s place!?” He begged. Bulma always thought her son was cute, and couldn’t decline the puppy dog eyes he was currently giving her.

“Fine, but…” She said. The pause scared Trunks the most. “I’ll bring Goten here, and you two will stay here.”

“By ourselves?” He asked.

“Yea, you guys will be in the most secure building on this side if the planet. Insects don’t get in without permission.” She boasted clearly. She wasn’t lying.

“What If we run out of food?” He asks.

“I already had a solution, remember that machine in the lobby I told you not to touch?” She said.

“Yea, the one with the pink cover over it?” He asked.

“Yep, that is a food depositing machine, I built it for you Saiyans with your outrageous eating habits.” She boasted.

“What does it do?”

“It just cooks food from freshly grown ingredients I have growing on the bacteria-free roof, also from harvested livestock at the meat factory my dad owns.” Bulma was really getting into this.

“Ok, I guess I can share this place with Goten!” Trunks joked. He wiped his mouth and washed up before heading out with Bulma to get Goten.


Prologue 2 coming soon


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