Submit your Own DBZ Gay Story

Submit your own story to Gotenboner DBZ Fanfiction
Submit your own story to Gotenboner DBZ Fanfiction

We have been active with DBZ Yaoi, Gay, and a little Shota stories for the past couple of years. We’ve been a small group of authors and believe we’ve done good for having busy lives and different ones with families to live with. It can be difficult to write a whole chapter when Real Life gets in the way and slows down the process of creativity.

So today, we’ve now opened up a way for you, the readers and authors a like, to submit your own stories to us and have them go LIVE in front of the 10,000s of readers we get every month. Yes, we really get that many and it’s all because of you guys commenting and loving our stories ^_^ We would be here without you! πŸ˜€

Here is how to begin


You will want to click this link and register yourself. You will need a valid email address, and choose a password. You will need to enter the simple captcha aswell. Aaaand that’s it. Really simple πŸ™‚ You will use this login each time you need to access the site, so make sure to remember it!


You should bookmark this, or just use the dropdown in the navigation bar on our site to get to the Login page. You need to use your email and password from the previous step to login. If you have ANY issues with logging in, Contact us ASAP! Please! Others may also have the same issue and you could help us resolve and prevent it from happening further.

Go to “Submit your story

This is the page you want to visit for submitting each chapter, each story, and every idea πŸ˜‰

You will see a form to fill out, and this is basically what we need to know about your story, and the story content itself.

If you don’t see a pairing already listed, then select “Uncategorized” and we will make a pairing category to match your story. Make sure to include the pairing in the Title of your story; for example (GokuxGohan)

If you run into ANY issues on this page, please Contact us ASAP! We need to get it fixed if you notice something wrong.

Go to your Dashboard

This is your dashboard. After submitting a story it will go into a “Pending review” stage so we can make sure you have a proper story in place, and also prepared to go live. If you don’t provide a cover image with your story, we will need to make one for you, and this will prolong us from approving your story. So if you take the time to make a good cover image and attach it yourself, that will make readers want to view your story, and also speed up the whole process. But if you can’t do graphics, then don’t worry! We have you covered πŸ™‚

You can always come back and edit your stories too from your Dashboard.

When we publish your story or chapter, you will see the word “Live” next to it from your dashboard πŸ™‚

We hope to read your story, chapter, or idea soon! Submit now! πŸ™‚

We hope to see some very interesting and hot stories coming in within the next few weeks πŸ™‚ We know you guys have creative minds and hope to see what the community comes up with!

We will of course give credit to you as the author at the top of the story, as we do for all of our authors


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