[Download] Oravlex Comic – “Pay for What You Want” – Starring Tarble – Translated to English

Oravlex Comic – Pay for What You Want - Starring Tarble - Translated to English

The release for a great week and weekend! Enjoy everyone!  🙂

I want to say all credit goes to Oravlex for it and in no way am I trying to steal his/her artwork.

I just noticed it was only in Spanish and thought I would translate so others, along with myself, could enjoy it!


Some of Low Res Gallery of Oravlex Comic – “Pay for What You Want” – Starring Tarble – Translated to English


Leave a lovely comment below if you love this file or if it needs to be reuploaded.
We are experimenting with the website a little to make it easier on the eyes. 
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We receive some responses and are trying to make the site better from the feedback we get 🙂
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  1. cumpliendo con mi palabra aquí esta mi critica:

    la historia es fantástica, estaría bueno que también lo hicieran traducido al español, si ya lo hicieron retiro mi comentario, me gustaría que los dibujos estuvieran a color y algunas imágenes como que se ve muy amontonado y se pierde la forma… pero sinceramente he disfrutado mucho este comic

    (In English)
    doing my word here is my critique :

    the story is fantastic, it would be good to do so also translated into Spanish , if it did withdraw my comment , I would like the drawings were colored and some pictures as it looks great stacked and form is lost … but honestly I really enjoyed this comic


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