Buy HEAT by Rutobuka HERE!

heat cover

We have some exciting news!

We have joined forces with the famous (and lovely) artist Rutobuka and are honored to present to you our first collaboration together. Through our hosting, we are presenting the awesome comic by RutobukaHEAT” which is a first class comic featuring Goku and Vegeta.

If you haven’t heard of it, you are really missing out!

Click here to view our store where HEAT is located.

It is a EXCLUSIVE! You won’t find it anywhere else!


This also officially marks the opening of our shop on the website! SO go check it out!=)


  1. Tis a shame that Heat was such a hot seller, but alas, its no longer for sale. I too enjoyed her work that she posted, but wasn’t lucky enough to obtain her greatest masterpiece. I was wondering though, if you owned a copy, could you post the entire work up for us individuals to read? I always wondered what happens.


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