A Father and Son Bond

A Father & Son Bond
A Father & Son Bond
This is a GotenBoner Exclusive story! 
Goku x Gohan

A Father and Son Bond

*A short story*

After fighting the Saiyans for so long while tears and sweat had been dropped our heroes finally have the time to rest and reflect on the things that had to be done in the near future! As Goku and Gohan were the main protagonists of the action being at the same time the ones who fought the hardest, they had a little time of in the mountains to clear their mind and concentrate back their energies.

They flew with flying nimbus between the clouds and rocks in no time and as you would say snap!! They reached their destination. The cabin looked like something out of a dream and the background something you wouldn’t say everyday… this trip seemed to have started already on the right foot!

“Hey let’s get inside the cabin and see what is got” said Gohan, while Goku wanted to go to the nearby lake and chill for a moment “No, you go in, I just relax by the lake, but I’ll catch upon you real soon…” So Gohan went is and while Goku was chilled by the lake he took his shirt off and took advantage of the time to do some push ups just for fun, but his fine moment was soon interrupted by his father who was staying in front of the door watching his son

“What are you doing there Gohan?” asked Goku watching the sweat flowing his beefy while his but cheeks were all charged with energy “Well, I was just having fun you know, you finished the lake job?”

“Yeah the lake job, never became a job, listen I never saw your ass looking that great…”

Oghh gee thanks, your ass looks fine too, I wouldn’t mind taking care of it for a second…” replied Gohan seeing the fire burning in his father’s eyes…

“Well, listen to me for a moment, why don’t you let me hug you, you’re my son after all, you love me right?” and he did hug Gohan with his dick rock hard and jiggling his balls with the tail all of a sudden Gohan’s hair turned yellow as if he was fighting the hardest fight and both of them transformed into their wildest form letting the beast inside come out and devour the other. The passion was so strong and a huge fire ball engulfed both of them so bright that you could not see who was fucking who, you could only hear Kakarot ahhh, struck me with all you’ve got, give it to me full… they were passionate and fucked so hard as if they wanted to tear their bodies apart after this day…they almost burned that whole place…

After some good moments the fire went down and you could see both of them holding each other and kissing closing their sexual act with tantrum gestures showing their love to each other!

“I’ve always loved you papi more than you could ever imagine, but all that fighting distracted me…now instead we have all the time in the world to show our love!”

You are so right my son; I’ll show you now on the real things you’ve been missing!”

And they both fell asleep after such an exhausting fucking, really out of this world….



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